Firstmom's All Plummer and Huish Page
Plummer and Huish info on the web
Find out what other Plummers and Huishs around the world are up to!
Visit often, this page is updated whenever I find another Plummer
or Huish. Seeking Plummer's and Huish's World Wide!
Obituaries of both Plummer's
and Huish's.
My Family Photo Album Plummer
and Huish pictures, from ancestors in the late 1800's to present, including George Huish in his civil war uniform. NEW!
By the way, background of this page are my grandparents
John William Francis Plummer and Esther Ruth (Moore) Plummer
There is a Plummer discussion group. You can subscribe by sending an email to
or, with the
"L" being mail mode and "D" being the digest mode. Body of the email should contain only the word:
You can go to this link if you want to learn a little more.
Plummer was my mother's maiden name and I've gotten this side of the
family, with the help of Brian Ensley and many others, back to someone
born about 1740...Richard Plummer where are you?? He is definately my
brick wall, in fact I think he may have crawled out from under one.
Myself and other researchers have checked every record possible and
cannot find info on his birth or parents or anything, he simply shows
up in MD and PA around the 1760's. If you have any records with him on
them PLEASE email me immediately! Here are my
Notes on Richard so far.
Plummer brides in Illinois to 1909
Plummer grooms in Illinois to 1910
Plummer's and Related families buried at St. Bartholomew's Church Cemetery
Plummer and variations on 1880 census This is from a 1% maybe 1% of the Plummers. PLUM, PLUMB, PLUMBER, PLUMER, PLUMLEY, PLUMMR
Plummers in the Civil War A listing of 260 Plummers who served in the civil war
Plummers on ships From CD 350, some prisoners and indentured servants etc. Compiled with the help of and
Plummers in Rhode Island Cemeteries From Rhode Island Historical Cemeteries Project
Hubey Plummer's Home Page Lawyer at the firm Plummer & Plummer, Beer, Bassett Hounds, Sailing and more.
Julia Plummer Involved with Kids in Space program among other space related things.
GenForums Plummer Forum See what other Plummers are searching and possibly make a connection.
Montana Books about the hangings by vigilantes in the mid-late 1800s, including biography of Henry Plummer...who was every Plummer's great uncle it seems, or at least we were all told that.
PLUMMER (P456) at ROOTSWEB It's a nice Plummer resources page!

HUISH Surname
This was my fathers side of the family and I have it back to around 1810 London with the birth of John Huish. For more in-depth info on my Huish's see the Biography of the Huish Family that I wrote.
And, by the way, we pronounce it like Hue (as in color) and ish (as in ish) Hu-ish...easy as that!
Not hursch, hush, hweeeesh or any other variations us Huish's are so used to hearing.
Biography of the George Hyde Huish Family From John circa 1810 London to my daughters.
Huish's Web Page Bob and Char Huish in Angels Camp California...we're still trying to find out if we're related and how!
GenForums Huish Forum Post your Huish queries here and read what other Huish researchers are saying.
Paul Huish in Somerset Good page dedicated to the name Huish with some information on it's origin.
Phils page of stuff Phil Huish over in the UK
Richard Huish College Yes there's a Huish College, and great people over there I might say! Be sure to check Old Huisher's page, and the associated links listed below here for more history on the name.
All very interesting reading.
Huish Arms The first arms recreated for the web of this family.
More on Huish Arms By David Ward.
Huish Pedigree By Joy L. Hughes Jacoby ( Includes picture of the Huish Memorial.
Huish Pedigree II By Frank Huish at Includes picture of Huish memorial window at Clyst Hydon.
Queen Anne- A link? This discusses the possibility that the Huish's of London were somehow connected to Queen Anna Hyde. This discussion was due to the naming trends in my own family (all males with middle name Hyde) from very early 1800's to present.
If you have a Huish or Plummer page Email me and I will add it here!
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