Family History
Biography of the George Hyde Huish Family
On July eighth 1839 George Hyde Huish was born to Frances(nee Orpin) Huish,
wife of John Huish.
The family lived in the County of
Middlesex, England where John was a house painter by trade. George Hyde
was the third of John and Frances's four children which were all born in
the St. Pancras area of London, England. Ann Hyde Huish, the oldest, was
born April of 1835, she was followed by John Hyde Huish born January of
1837. The youngest of this noble family was Jane Ann Huish born October 2,

George Hyde Huish
George Hyde Huish came to the United States and joined company D 1st
WV. Volunteer Infantry and participated in the Civil War from May 15, 1861
to August 27, 1861. This was the first regiment organized on Southern soil
for the defense of the nation under the call of President Lincoln and was
also known as the 1st West Virginia Infantry
(3 months service). Here's a page with the roster showing George Huish FIRST REGIMENT VIRGINIA INFANTRY. George was mustered in at Steubenville, Ohio and all of the 1st WV vol. infantry troop
s returned to Wheeling VA. to be mustered out by August 28th. Here is a
picture of George taken some years later, wearing
a GAR uniform and holding a cane.
On November 12, 1863 George married Elizabeth "Miss Lizzie" Patton in
the house of Mrs. Roseburg, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth Patton was born in 1845 in Butler County Pennsylvania. Four
children were born to this union. William Hyde Huish (photo)
born January 11, 1865
in Allegheny City, Samuel Hyde Huish February 20, 1867, John Hyde Huish
August 17, 1869, and Harriet Rachel Huish July 27, 1873 all born in
Allegheny County Pennsylvania. The common middle name of Hyde has been
speculated throughout many generations of Huish's as relating to Hyde Park
of London. Hyde Park was once the royal hunting grounds for the family who
lived at the Manor Hyde, and then it passed to the Monk's of St. Peter's
at Westminster, then to Henry the VIII. The Royal family opened it to the
public after the restoration of the Monarchy. Hide was the original
spelling, the HY and HI were interchangable in early English spelling,
and means a measure of land.
George and Elizabeth lived at 2308 Sarah Avenue in Pittsburgh from
February of 1895 until his death 14 months later. George Hyde Huish died
April 10, 1896 at the age of 55 of Brights disease after suffering with
the illness for over a year. Just 3 years later, in August of 1899, his
widow Elizabeth passed away at South Side Hospital in Pittsburgh from
Typhoid fever. Both George and Elizabeth lay to rest at South Side
Cemetery in Pittsburgh.
Samuel and John moved to Indiana Harbor area of Lake County,
Indiana for a short time in the early 1900's, but both soon moved to
Youngstown, Ohio where they worked in the steel mills until they retired.
Samuel passed away August 5, 1953, and John July 27, 1951.
William Hyde Huish
The eldest son William Hyde Huish(photo)
married the young widow Martha
Jane(nee Price) Jones (photo) born in Warren Britonferry, County of Glamorgan,
Wales, January 27, 1865 to Benjamin and Mary(nee Jones)Price. Martha and
William married on December 31, 1885 by Nathaniel Morris, Minister of the
Gospel, in Pittsburgh. While living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA,
William and Martha had the first five of their ten children. These children
were Cora "Alma" Huish, born about 1887, who later married Lee Whiteman.
Earl Huish, born about 1889, and his wife Dolly traveled quite often to
cities like Salt Lake City Utah in the 1930's, and then eventually settled
in Cincinatti, Ohio. Blanche Huish, born in about 1890, later became the
wife of Warren Ellis. Ben Huish, born June 2, 1894, resided in Madison Co.
Illinois most of his life until he passed away in 1969 leaving a son Bill
Huish. William and Martha also had a baby girl born around 1895 who died
as an infant.
The family made a move to Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana in the
mid 1890's and
three sons were born to the couple. George Hyde Huish, who was born in
Muncie May 20, 1897, had 2 sons Paul and George, and 2 daughters Elizabeth,
and Mary Carolyn who has been a great contributor to this family biography.
In later years George lived with his son, Paul in Las Vegas, until his death
in January of 1980. William Huish was born May 25, 1899 and lived in Cook
County Illinois when he passed away in November of 1975. Eugene Hyde Huish,
the next main subject further down in this biography, was born May 30,
1901 in Muncie, Indiana.
A final move to Indiana Harbor, East Chicago, Indiana and the birth
of two daughters found the family (photo) in the midst of an active church and
social life. Mary who married Hobart Wilgus, and Margaretta Huish who
married Edwin Stillman, were born about 1903 and 1904 in Lake County,
Indiana. All but three of the ten children spent the majority of their
lives in and around the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana. Martha was
one of the founding members of the First Baptist Church of this city, and
it's first organized service was read in the parlor of her home. She was
also very active in the Welsh societies of the district in which she was
much interested. William Hyde Huish was one of the first foremen in the
Inland Steel Company plant and later at the Buffington cement plant. The
steel mills attracted and kept many families, like this one, in the area.
William had an epileptic siezure which caused him to fall into Lake
Michigan where he drowned March 27, 1921. After a long suffering with a
heart ailment Martha Huish (obit), one of Indiana Harbor's earliest settlers,
passed away at her home at 3511 Grand boulevard, June 26, 1930. Both
William and Martha Jane lay to rest at Ridgelawn Cemetery in Gary Indiana.
Eugene Hyde Huish
In July of 1925 Eugene Hyde Huish married Lela Pearl Paulus, born
May 23, 1898 in Brook, Newton County, Indiana, daughter of Henry and Bessie (nee
Dunlap) Paulus. To this union a son was born, Robert Eugene Hyde Huish (photo),
February 6, 1927. Eugene "Gene", City Electrician, and Lela, a school
teacher, were very active in the East Chicago, Indiana community.
Gene was active in the East Chicago Kiwanis Club, of which he was
past president; the East Chicago Elks Lodge; The Royal Order of the Moose;
a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and a past
president of the Municipal Signal Assoc. He also served as Master of the
Indiana Harbor Lodge No. 686; High Priest of E.C. Chapter of the Royal
Arch Masonic Lodge No. 141; Commander of the E.C. Commandery No. 58;
Illustrious Master of the East Chicago Council No. 101; member of Orak
Shrine of Hammond, In.; Scottish Rite and was holder of the Knights York
Cross of Honour. He was very active in the state Masonic circles and was
designated as the representative to the Grand Lodge of Cuba and for five
years served on the Grand Junior Deacons Committee. Raised to the degree
of Master Mason in Indiana Harbor Lodge No. 686, and served as Secretary
in 1954, F. & A.M., East Chicago. Served as Worshipful Master, High Priest
of Indiana Chapter No. 159, R.A.M. The list goes on about this mans
contributions in the local organizations of the Calumet Region. Sometime
after his death in 1960 Mayor Jeorse, along with other City Officals,
named a street after Eugene for getting a better traffic pattern through
that area during peak rush periods. The bypass extends from 151st and
Kennedy to 149th street in East Chicago and is named Eugene Huish Drive.
Gene's wife, Lela Huish, was also very active in church and social
organizations. Lela, a former teacher in the East Chicago Indiana school
system, was also a member of the Indiana Harbor Baptist Church; member of
Order of Eastern Star Indiana Harbor Chapter No. 378, Past Grand Matron
Order of the Amaranth Harriet Higgins Court No. 19; American Legion
Auxiliary Unit No. 369 and 8/40. She was also Past Matron and Past Grand
Warder of the Masonic Lodge. Her husband Gene passed away (obit)
in April 1960 at St.
Catherine's Hospital of a massive brain hemorrhage at the age of 58. Lela
continued in her many organizations until she was close to 90 years old.
Lela passed away (obit) in 1995 at the age of 97 after
getting to see her eleventh
great-grandchild. Eugene and Lela were also buried at Ridgelawn Cemetery
in Gary near Gene's parents gravesites.
Robert Eugene Hyde Huish
Eugene and Lela's son, Robert Eugene Hyde Huish (photo), attended East
Chicago Roosevelt High School where he was editor of the school newspaper.
Later he joined the Air Force division of the United States Army and was
stationed in Florida during WWII, although he was not sent into any battles.
After leaving the service he went to work, and later became the General
Business Manager, for his uncle George Huish who owned the Calumet News
Newspaper. In 1950 Robert (photo) married Marjorie, daughter of John and Esther of Gary
Robert and Marjorie lived in Gary, Indiana, next door to Marjorie's parents, at the
beginning of their marriage. After their first child was born they bought a house
in Merrillville Indiana where Robert eventually passed away (photo obit)
July 4, 1977 of colon cancer.
Hopefully years from now my daughters, Amanda and Katelynn, will continue
this biography further.
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