Welcome to Lake County, Indiana's
Surnames Page

I want to thank each submitter (especially Paul Davis, our German expert) for making the page such a success!

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Please feel free to submit your surnames and be sure to put LAKE COUNTY SURNAMES in the subject line so that I know it is for this page. And note- only Lake county surnames, no queries.
One way of finding more info on your ancestors is by making connections with others, get your Lake County names noticed! And be sure to email some of the people listed below if you're researching the same Lake County Names. Let them know you found them on the Lake County Rootsweb Surnames Page.
I would like to thank all of the submitters!

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the passages sent with surnames have been getting long so Ive abbreviated wherever possible to be able to fit as much info about a family as I can. Such as: poss.=possible, C.P.=crown point, LK Co.=Lake County etc.

Surnames Email Short identifying info
JAEGER/(yager, jager, yeager) Cindy Jaeger Jones Researching Jaeger,(yager, jager,yeager)Ferdinand and Emilie(nee Saeger) He died 1925. Buried in Waldheim Cemetery.
JANICZEK Shelley R. Greenleaf  
JEHLE Wende Jehle Grandparents Harry J. & Annette. My G-Grandparents were/are Victor & Mary. Came to U.S. during later part of the 19th century, from either France or Germany (or both!).
JERGENS/JUERGENS Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
JERNBERG Molly Bryant  
JOHNSON Dale Johnson Alfred-trainmaster at Pine station abt 1900. Wife- Albertina. Walter R. 1st son b. Nov. 1902, at Clark station
JOHNSON Susan Thompson Johan Fredrik Johansson (John or Fred Johnson?) emigrated from Vikingstad, Sweden 1866
JOHNSON lyyti@aol.com Ted, Uncle married into Eibel family
JONES Jim Harney Sr. John -Born Wales 1853, traveled to Columbus, OH. Marr. Elizabeth Ingram 1880 then moved to East Chicago. Died 1920. Bur: Oak Hill Cem., Hammond. Looking for ancestors.
JORDAN Adrienne Cargo Searching for Mary Jordan of Gary,In. Dau. of Jacob Ritenour & Polly King. B. Fayette Co., Pa. Sister to Charles J. Ritenour of Fay. Co. Had 3 bros. & 7-8sisters. Willing to share info.
JOSTES Gloria Barnes Anton "Joseph", immigrated to US 1857 settled at Klaasville, sons John August, Clemens August Dau. Teresia marr. Wilehlm Emil SASSE & Bernard SCHEIDT. Dau. Frederica marr. John STEPHAN
JUNG/YOUNG Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
JUSKO George W. Jusko Michael & Mary (FEDOR) settled in Whiting (Euclid Ave.) from Slovakia in 1900. Michael preceeded the family in 1895. Michael worked for Standard Oil as watchman & died in 1931, Mary may have lived til 1935, had 10 children.
KAPICA Linda Libician  
KARR Kathleen Karr Martin H. & family. Worked at Pullman Standard in Hammond over 40's years. 1906-1990 6 Generations found. E mail for info on his descendants (Karr).
KASPER KTJosh@aol.com Frank & Mabel Ruth (nee Kraiger). He died 1/16/1945. She died 8/15/1975. Will exchange info.
KEELER Mary Jane Howard Looking for information on Carl Keeler, lived in Hammond about 1920-?
KEILMAN Nancy Westenfield Web page
KELLEMEN/KELEMEN Robert Kellemen Looking for info on Romanian immigrants to Gary, Lk Co. bef. & during WW I with the Kellemen, Kelemen, & Almason surnames.
KELLEY Chris Coleman John Bernard 1848-1920, son James Joseph of Kelley, Glover & Vale Mortgage.
KENIZONI/KENNISON Anita Brooks Aarel Kenizoni/Kennison 1885-1967. Marr: Nellie Nichlovitz. Son Nick b. 1919, married Caro Lynn Greenlee
KENWARD Marlynn A O'Keefe FLECK, BEIRIGER, SCHOTTLER, GOTTLIEB, BRAND, BOLDT/WOLDT etc from Hobart, Gary, Merr., St. John, Dyer, Scher. & other areas
KERTESZ/CURTIS Kenneth R Curtis Joseph Louis-original member of Gary Police Force c1908. Brothers Stephen J. & John. Marr: Elizabeth Rose Aszmongya. She died in 1919 & he in 1922, both of TB.
KITCHELL DBird53072@aol.com  
KLAAS/KLAUS Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
KLAHN Susan Klahn looking for roots to my ggrandfather & other family members.
KLASSEN/GLASSEN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
KLEIN/KLEINE Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
KLEMM Ruth Carol Klemm Warren Seek info: Louis E. 1860-1946 & wife Mary J. (Knoll) 1871-1947. He founded Whiting Flower Shop. Child: Frederick W.1889-1968, Edward1893-1963, Herbert F., Arthur, Rudolph, Robert M. 1911-1983, Hattie (Stawitcke) 1890-1941, Walter F. Most bur. Concordia Cem.- Hmd
KNISELY Philip Ritter Edward & Barbara (Baughman)-from Tuscarawas OH, early 1850’s, following Barbara’s parents, Jacob Baughman & Sally Ritter.
KORTENHOEVEN Jan Kortenhoeven Klaas of Texel Neth b.12/18/1855.Marr: M.Jabaay, Dau.Alice m.Leonard Brink.Jacob left Texel Neth 1888. b.5/30/1877.M. Gertrude Kooy.Parents,Jan & Maartje.Sis Geertrui & Nellie. Info to 1695.Kortenhovens,Kortenoevens,Kortenoevers.
KOSTOFF Nancy Kostoff Bulgarian immigrant George, b.ABT 1895 d. 1943. Marr: Anna Palko. Owned a bakery in Gary, IN. They had 7 children.
KRETZ Paul A. Davis Germans, contact for more info.
KRIEWITZ Cbsauza@aol.com William
KROL Suzanne M. Boller My father Theodore J., son of John & Karoline (Jonic?). From Poland w/ father & brother, left the mother & a twin in Poland.
KROST Heidi Krost Looking for anyone related to the name or has information.
KROST Paul A. Davis Germans, contact for more info.
KUCAL Dell Kasuk Joseph, b. Sampolno, Poland 1892. Came to U.S. May 1912. In U.S. Army WWI. Wife- Jennetta, b. 1903 in Pol. Dau., Veronica b. May 1921 Hobart, IN. Joseph's parents? Brothers?
KUNERT Karla Kunert I am researching the "Kunert" family of Tolleston.
KURAK Lisa Toleikis Looking for info on John (Jan?) & Mary, son Stanley, daughter Helen, Whiting area.
KUSMIERCZYK Shelley R. Greenleaf  
KUSMIERZ Linda Libician  
KWASNY Glenn Salners Philip FIJUT married Adeline KWASNY circa 1938
LADWIG/LUDWIG Terry Leach Looking for any info on the above names in the Lake co area.
LAMBROS Barbara Breneman William Peter & Mildred Mary Vaughn, marr: 1918, kids- Merle,Dorothy, Lois,William. Lived at 4517 Oak Ave Hamd Until Jan 1950
LAMPHIER Marlene Want to share with people researching same lines in Crown Point area. I have much info. I limited to those names & allied families.
LAND SRich83175@aol.com Seek any relatives of William Owen that lived in the E. Chicago/Hammond/Whiting area. Willing to swap info.
LARSON Linda Bailey researching John Lawrence Larson, born 1868 in Sweden, died Dec. 12, 1946, Lake Co. IN.
LAUERMAN Karen Beidelman Researching LAUERMAN, SCHOLL, SOLON
LAUERMAN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
LAUTER/LOUTER Carey J. Price Looking for info on, & descendents of Gottlob Lauter (Louter) who was in vicinity of Merrillville in 1877.
LAU/LAW Robert C. Law Oliver W., Robert E. Hammond Police Force abt 1914, name was Lau (German)
LEEP Kristen Leep Came from Holland through Canada to Highland. See also:Björklund
LENGYEL/LANGEL Denise Gibbs Kneifel Looking for any info on these families.Homepage
LENNERTZ Thomas E. Darga 1800's settlers of Lake Co.
LIBICIAN Linda Linda J. Libician, Cedar Hill TX
LEISENFELD Paul A. Davis Germans, contact for more info.
LIPPIE Julie Haynes Geraldine, married name was Geraldine Chernota, see: CHERNOTA
LIPSHUTZ Jocelyn McCoy Russian Immigrants
LIVINGSTONE Philip Ritter Andrew Livingstone married Louisa Ritter in 1870. Would like to correspond with descendants.
LOGUDA/LOGOIDA/LOGOYDA Gundave@aol.com Andrei(Andrew) & Mary(Mikulaninecs). Son, Peter, 3-6-1910 Whiting. Arrive USA 1906-10 from Austria-Hungary. Moved to Ilasco, MO before 1914. Can share data on this family name & Mary's maiden name.
LONG/LANG Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
LOZO Glenn Salners Sylvia ZIELINSKI married Fred LOZO circa 1940
LUDWIG/LUDVIG Tammy Kuhn Margaretha (Unknown) & Johan & sons John, Peter and Nicholas. Could be Lutwigs at one point?
LUDWIG/LADWIG Terry Leach Looking for any info on the above names in the Lake co area.
LUDWIG Paul A. Davis Germans, contact for more info.
LUEDTKE Terri Luedtke Researching the line of August Luedtke.
LUTKUS Tinda Marchant My ancestors MOCKAITIS & LUTKUS immigrated to USA from Lithuania abt 1900. Settled in Gary, & Lake Station. Need addtl. info, please.
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