Welcome to Lake County, Indiana's
Surnames Page

I want to thank each and every submitter (especially Paul Davis, our German expert) for making the page such a success!

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Please feel free to submit your surnames and be sure to put LAKE COUNTY SURNAMES in the subject line so that I know it is for this page. And note- only Lake county surnames, no queries.
One way of finding more info on your ancestors is by making connections with others, get your Lake County names noticed! And be sure to email people listed below if you're researching the same Lake County Names. And let them know you found them on the Lake County Rootsweb Surnames Page.
I would like to thank all of the submitters!

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the passages sent with surname submissions have been getting long so Ive abbreviated wherever poss. to be able to fit as much info about a family as I can. Such as: poss.=possible, Bur-Buried C.P.=crown point, LK Co.=Lake County, Merr. Merrillville, Mar: Married etc.

Surnames Email Homepage or other info
ADLER Thomas E. Darga 1800's settlers of Lake Co.
ADLER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
ALMASON Robert Kellemen Romanian immigrants to Gary, Lk Co. bef. & during WWI. w/ Kellemen, Kelemen, & Almason surnames.
ARSENEAU Juli Freda Also see Obits for this and related families.
AULT Charlotte Barnes Lewin Abby AULT b: Sep 1863 Lowell, m. Thomas POWELL 20 Sep 1880 Vernon Co., MO, d: 21 Oct 1942 Lowell, bur: Lowell Cem., d/o John & Loretta.
ALT/AULT Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
ANDERSEN Dorthy P. Andersen Johnson N. Peter marr: Louise Christensen-Denmark. She d. l906; bur: at McNab, IN. Bro. Henry- Gary IN, dau. Marie, marr: Maynard Day & had 1 son.
ANDERSSON Ken Stromquist Jonas; B. Aug. 12, 1794 at Tjurshult, Kalmar Län, Sweden; Immigr. 1864-LK. Station, IN; D. 1868 age 74
ANGERMANN Carl Haugerud Setted in West Creek Township in 1850's
APLEY Barbara McCaslin William Nelson Apley born 8/16/1840, marr: Mellisa Gibbs 1864 in Center TWP.
ARCHER Linda (Walter/Eldridge) Wells. Ethel Mae, b. 27 Sept 1884, wife of Charles Augustus Welter.Owned Gary candy store- "The Sugar Bowl"
ARNDT Debbie
ARVIN Carol Arvin Horace & Lucille -Lowell,IN cem., my Uncle Roy Arvin bur. in C.P. (poss. St Mary's). Both of my matern. g-parents bur. at Chapel Lawn, in Scher.
ASZMONGYA Kenneth R Curtis Joseph Louis, Mary ASZMONGYA (nee Dembosky), one of Gary's first city matrons. She was appointed by Mayor Tom Knotts. SEE ALSO-KERTESZ
ASZMONGYA Kenneth R Curtis Elizabeth & John, John came to Gary-1908, d. Dec., 1915. He & wife were grocers in PA & Gary. See Obituarys for more.
AUSTGEN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
AVELIS Deborah Avelis John b. Lithuania ? d. Lake County 1941 owned small neighborhood grocery
BACKES Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BALOG Cheryl BALOG Wenberg Steve & Klara, Nick & Anna. Bill, Nick Jr., Patricia.
BARLOGA Mitch Barlogo Polish immigrants settled in East Chicago area late 1800's or early 1900's
BARNEY Sue Eddy BARNEY, BURGE, & STRONG. I have a home page on Family Tree Maker.
BARRICK Ken Curtis Margaret, Daughter of John Aszmongya, Jr. & his wife, Mary, married a William Barrick.
BARTLETT Patricia G. Viellenave  
BARTOS/BARTUS/BARTASH Deborah Avelis Anna b. Lithuania ? d. Lake Co. ?
BASNEY Carl Myers French-Canadian
BASSETT Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi Lk Co. Heritage, published by Friends of Lake Co. Pub. Lib.-1990. My entries & more are in it. I have a copy.
BATTERMAN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BAUGHMAN Philip Ritter Bros., Jacob & Samuel came to W. Creek Twp abt 1850, Jacob- Tusc. Co, OH & Samuel-Ashland Co, OH. With 3-4 fam. of marr. children (KNISELY & FRY).
BAUGARTNER/BAUMGARDNER Paul A. Davis Germans, contact for more info.
BAUSANO Caryn Dugo Morris --born in Italy, retired steelworker at Gary works. D. 1958, bur: Calumet Park,Merr. Supposed to have 2 bros., Louis & unknown name.
BAZIN Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi Lk Co. Heritage, published by Friends of Lake Co. Pub. Lib.-1990. My entries & more are in this. I have a copy.
BEAVER Hank Allan
BECKER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BECKMAN/BECKMANN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BEHRENS Carey J. Price Looking for info on, & descendents of Daniel Behrens who was in the vicinity of Merrillville in 1877.
BEIRIGER Marlynn A O'Keefe FLECK, SCHOTTLER, GOTTLIEB, BRAND, BOLDT/WOLDT, KENWARD etc from Hobart, Gary, Merr., St. John, Dyer, Scher. & other areas
BEIRIGER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BELLAMY/BELLOMY Patricia G. Viellenave  
BENCIE Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi Lk Co. Heritage, published by Friends of Lake Co. Pub. Lib.-1990. My entries & more are in this. I have a copy.
BENEAKE Janet Schwarze Helene, (b. 10/12/1855 Hanover, d. 3/29/1947 C.P.), dau. of Henry & Wilhemina Schultz Beneake. 1881 she marr: Martin Ernst Louis Pahl (b. 12/28/1855 Hanover; d. 12/27/1909 Tolleston)
BENNETT Marylin Dubrick Bennett, Ethel lived in Lowell and Hammond,IN area. Married Emory Haskell in May, 1913, children Mildred, Helen, Cleo R., and Gerald.
BERG Cheryl Berg Looking for info on the surname BERG, from around Lowell, IN
BERG Paul Berg Ludwig (Louis) & Elizabeth Berg who came to Lowell in 1853 from Erwitte, N. Westphalia Germany (Prussia). marr. St Anthony's church in Klaissville, bur. in Lowell Catholic cem. Research says he was the postmaster in Lowell.
BERG Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BERGNER Mark Bergner George H., Jr. & Sr. George Sr. married Martha Ihle. I have info. avail. on the Bergner lineage.
BERKMAN Irene G. Weisberg Looking for info about my grandfather, Hershel or Harry Berkman. He was a Rabbi in Hammond, IN in the 1910s & 1920s. I think he died in Hammond around 1930.
BERRY Mark Galik family of Elijah W. and Ralph Berry, lived in Winfield Twp. and Crown Point
BERWANGER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BIEGEL Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BIELEFELD Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BIENIEWICZ Cheri Boss Anthony (Tony) d-11 Mar 1956/St. Margarets in Hmd & my g/m Mary (Nowak) d-4 Jan 1977?
BIRMINGHAM/BERMINGHAM NANCY DONBAVAND THOMAS E.Born 1891 in Chicago. Married Mary abt 1918. Stepdaughter, Lillian Gates born abt. 1914.
BIXENMAN/BIXENMANN Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BJöRKLUND Kristen Leep Looking for more Bjorklund info, name is Swedish. See also: LEEP
BLACK Tom Black Thomas Montgomery Black family. Circa. 1880s. Poss. from Shelby or Schneider. Descend. lived in or around Lowell My father is Thomas Alexander
BLANCHARD Alyce William & Mary Ann Wallis Blanchard settled in Lowell, IN, in 1890s. They are my great-grandparents. I would like to exchange info. with other family members.
BOECKER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BOESEL Carl Haugerud Setted in Lake County in 1860's
BOHLING Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BOHLING Amy Bohling any info on E. Bohling & his known genealogy. His last known residency was Hammond, he died in Dec of 1985.
BOHR Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BOLDT Marlynn A O'Keefe FLECK, BEIRIGER, SCHOTTLER, GOTTLIEB, BRAND, WOLDT, KENWARD etc from Hobart, Gary, Merr., St. John, Dyer, Scher. & other areas
BONE/BONEY/BOHNE/BOHNEY Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BOOS Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BORGER Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BORMAN Janet Schwarze Frank marr: Dorothea Pahl (b. 1841 Hanover, Ger), dau. of Charles & Magdalena, emigrated to NY May 26, 1860, lived in North Twp
BORN Gerald Born BORN, ROSCOE CONKLING came from Kenton,Ohio abt 1900, lived first in Shelby.
BOTHWELL GLida Bothwell From Ross Twp.
BOUREAU Terry Leach Looking for any info on the above names in the Lake co area.
BOURQUE Thomas E. Darga 1800's settlers of Lake Co.
BRAND Marlynn A O'Keefe FLECK, BEIRIGER, SCHOTTLER, GOTTLIEB, BOLDT/WOLDT, KENWARD etc from Hobart, Gary, Merr., St. John, Dyer, Scher. & other areas
BRASEL Karen Germany to Ill. to Hammond Ind.
BRAUSCH Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
BRAZEL Heather Sendo-Miller Brazo, Brazel, Szanyo, Szanya, Molnar, Miller, Sando, Sendo, Varga
BRAZO Heather Sendo-Miller Brazo, Brazel, Szanyo, Szanya, Molnar, Miller, Sando, Sendo, Varga
BROOKS Walt E. Engle
BROSE Shelly Brose
BROWN Constance Fifield Moore See obit & bio. pages. Alexander F. & William Barringer.
BROWNBRIDGE Yvonne Nasshahn Price Thomas & Harriett. In 1850 census-Ross twp. Both 30 yrs. old, b. in Eng. Dau.'s Annie, b. 1843, Jane, b. 1845, son William, b. 1848. More children? Wm.'s family raised in Merr.-CP area.
BROWNELL Linda Wilson Alvah came to Lk co w/ 4 kids between 1850-1860, son Frank Earl -my gggrandfather.
BRUCKMAN Marilyn Bruckman William Henry b Aug 13, 1885, bros. Charles, George, & sister, parents- 19th century German immigrants, settled around Lowell. Will exchange info.
BUCZYNSKI Rich Nallenweg Thanks for doing such a great job with the Lake Co webpage.
BURGE Sue Eddy BARNEY, BURGE, & STRONG. Have home page on Family Tree Maker.
BURK Larry Burke Roscoe Evert b. Boone Co, lived in Lowell, m. Lottie May Turner, dau. of John W. & Vinnie (Wood). Seek info.
CAMP Nancy Speichert William & Mary, lived in Hammond, IN
CANNON Mitzi Cannon John Henry, Fred, Floyd, Charles, Annette, Ruth, Roy, Vera
CARSTENS Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
CASSADY Anna Wheeler Joseph Rudolph Sr. m. to O. Clara Gregory, of Lowell, both buried in Lowell Cem. More info if contacted.
CHAPMAN Jeff Wortman Emma, young adult 1890's, b. C.P., IN. Parents-Case & Ann(?)Chapman? Emma m. Henry Zieseniss of C.P. -later divorced.
CHERNOTA/CERNOTA/CHERNOTTA Julie Haynes Andrew Jr. & Sr., Eugene, Terese, Joseph, see also:Datrik, Lippie, Ruman, Strabavy, Website
CHERRY Cindy Cherry Since the 1940s, Gary
CHILDERS Jack Childers Much info to share. Descen. of Joseph Childers. See: Early Settlers page
CHILDRESS Linda Wilson John B. only son Lewis Alva m. Julia Viola Dickey & had 13 child.
CHMUROVICH Rich Nallenweg Thanks for doing such a great job with the Lake Co webpage.
CHROMCHIK Glenn Salners
CHORENGEL Rita German Immigrants of 1864. See my website - www.ritaren.com
CHURCH/CIUCIU Darlene Donovan Orig. name was CIUCIU but later changed to Chuch. My Great-Grandfather came from Romania abt 1909. Wife was Marie (Elizabeth) Hodis. Lived in Gary.
CLARK Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
CLAUS Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
CLIFFORD Barbara R Breneman Seek family of Alice May(Mae). Marr: Thomas D Pappas, son,James Clifford lived at 4529 Ash Ave til 1940
CLOIDT Paul A. Davis German Immigrants 19th century, will exchange info.
COLE Bonnie Bunce Leonard Osborn, g-fathers bro., Gary IN, ch.-Jay, Phyllis & 6 others. He d. 1 Jul 1929 in Chicago, age 57. Wife: May? Want more info.
COMBS KATHERINE BUTLER G-granddaughter of L.I. COMBS, a Gary pioneer, has info to share of early Gary.
CONN Lance Fairchild Conn is my mothers maiden name. Hammond
CRAAYBEEK Glenn Salners Janet FIJUT married Garrett CRAAYBEEK circa 1965
CUNNINGHAM Marie Hoff John & Wm., Scotland to C.P. & E. Chicago
CURTIS/KERTESZ Kenneth R Curtis Joseph Louis-orig. member of Gary Police c1908. Bros Stephen J. & John. Marr. Elizabeth Rose Aszmongya. She d. 1919 & him 1922, both of TB.
CUSHMAN Carl Myers English around 1860
CZAKO?SAKO Denise Gibbs Kneifel Looking for any info on these families.Homepage
YOUR SURNAMES HERE Your name and Email First names, approx. Dates, towns

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