Lake County, Indiana
In May of 1997, this project was organized by Jeff Murphy, using the established KY Biographies Project
as a model. State coordinators were sought to set up their own state project. They were offered the
system design and tools created for the KY project, but were free to set up their project in any way they
chose. I am Kathy Huish and I am the coordinator for Lake Co., Indiana. Volunteers are needed to enter, edit,
and archive the biographies for each project.
If you have biographies you would like to donate for Lake County please contact
me after you create them using the NOTEPAD program on your computer which creates a .TXT File Extension See
the biographies below for examples of how they need to be formatted.
If you would like to volunteer to coordinate a county please contact the Indiana State Coordinator Deb Murray
4/9/1999 I added the townships so that even if your ancestor isn't listed
here, if you know the township they came from, you might be able to learn a little
about the people and way of life in their immediate area. Add some flavor to your family history.
Indiana Biographies Project
Indiana Biographies Data Entry Guidelines
US Biographies Project
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