Subj: Luman A Fowler Date: 99-05-15 01:47:39 EDT From: Kathy Huish, Hello, my name is Kurt Luman Fowler. First off i would like to thankyou for the wonderful web page you have created for Lake County! I have been a frequent visitor there and have enjoyed searching through the site! Obviously I am interesed in genealogy, but the reason for this letter is in response to a request you made on your early settlers page. Wanted to let you know that I am a direct descendent of Luman A Fowler. Although I consider Highland as my home town I no longer live there. I am a member of the USAF and currently Live in Korea. Living in Korea limits the information I have access to what is posted on the Internet. Another reason why I appreciate the effort you have put into the web page! If you have any other information about Luman A Fowler that you are willing to share I would really appreciate a reply! Oh, one more thing if you do reply back please send to this address: I will be moving again in a week so the hotmail account is the best way to catch me thanks Kurt